Wednesday, June 27, 2012

170 years=170 good deeds

I haven't posted for awhile for a few reasons.
Mainly because I have been stewing over a challenge that was informally issued by one of the beautiful ladies that I serve with in my calling.
She is talented, amazing, loving and always does whats right- and since the Relief Society is CELEBRATING our 170th YEAR as an organization, she is knitting 170 hats to donate to the homeless shelter. She is awesome. And I want to be like her.

So I have been stewing over this. I have talked to her because I needed a little pep chat- a little boost to give me ideas. She said "Do something that you enjoy doing- that's why I chose hats. I like doing it and I would probably do it anyway- so why not donate them?"
I cant think of anything that I enjoy doing that would benefit anyone but me- jogging, cleaning, camping, reading-

So- "Do what you do naturally, only do it more often- and keep track- do it 170 times."
Now that's EASY!  That is something I can do ladies!

My hair is naturally messy-easily 170 days in a row!

I naturally freckle in the sun- I bet I could get 170 new freckles in no time!

I am naturally VERY clumsy. I have taken a few good tumbles already this year- But if I set a goal to increase that, Ross will make me wear a helmet whenever I leave the  house (and probably around the house too)- so I say NO to this one!

The mom in me naturally tells Jayce to zip up his pants AT LEAST 4 times a day- that could work!

Things like "Don't sit on the furniture with food! Pick this up!  Have you finished your chores? Is your piano done? Why is this dirty when I just finished cleaning it? Are you kidding me? What were you thinking? Where are you going? When will you be home? Who let the dogs out? Why is your scooter in the house?" These things are part of my daily routine- and I could easily pump it up to 170 times- no problem!

So- you can see why I am having a problem with this.

Doing things that would benefit me spiritually- like reading my scriptures daily, praying, fasting, reading the Ensign- these are things that I should do already- I must do! I love these things and I need these things in my daily life- and for some reason they seem so sacred and personal that I can't even place them into a goal that is meant to be shared with/ or uplift others.

I want my goal to be something from my heart and real and also challenging.

And its a strange one but it is truly from my heart- and real- and challenging!

I am making 170 pair of earrings and giving them away!

The challenge is that I will NOT purchase new beads or supplies- I WONT I WONT I WONT! (its a bit embarrassing to admit that I actually have enough of both to do this- but I just love buying new supplies! Its going to be hard to keep myself away from the bead store!)

Each pair will challenge my creativity and  take some time- (giving up some TV time and Facebook time for this!)

Each pair will be a gift of thanks to the women that inspire me to be a better person! I know there are at least 170 of them out there.

I will let you know I am doing as I go. And I hope that you can find 170 Somethings that you can do for others before the year ends!

(Just as a side note- My cute Kelcey was underwhelmed by my choice of service- her comment was "Great, I guess I will be getting 170 new pairs of earrings!" But I may surprise you, my dear- I have given away 20 pair's already. Now I just hope those same 20 women like earrings cuz a few more pairs could be coming your way:)