Saturday, November 26, 2011


I have had this subject on my mind ever since I was asked to speak at a baptism about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. As I prepared I ran across an article that stated "most of us do not understand the gifts that we have been given, and we therefor do not fully utilize these gifts." This is not referring to "talents"- but specifically to spiritual gifts (or gifts of the spirit).
I know that in my own life, my own world- I do not take time to ponder on these gifts. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is quite amazing. To know that if I choose to be obedient, I can have this comforter, testifier, and teacher near me always- that's not a bad gift to have. As I searched further into the gifts of the spirit I made note that the common denominator for each (spiritual) gift is OBEDIENCE. Mormon Doctrine states "Certain special spiritual blessings called gifts of the spirit are bestowed upon men. Their receipt is always predicated upon obedience to law "
Obedience is possible because of two things.
1)Laws- ordained by Deity so that his children by conforming to laws might progress and become like Him.
2)Agency- God endowed each child with the ability to obey or disobey the divine will of our father. Agency has existed from the beginning.

Our Savior demonstrated the perfect formula for obedience when he stated "Father, thy will be done and the glory be thine forever." Moses 2:4

So, knowing that obedience is the gateway to which I can receive spiritual gifts- gifts that are purposely provided to enlighten me, encourage me, to edify me, to guide me toward eternal life, to bring me peace- I should without doubt always chose obedience.
And when I review the list of gifts that my father can bless me with- I feel even more encouraged to obey.
Please note that each person does not receive the same gifts- life would be so boring if we were all the same. Nevertheless, these gifts are beautiful. Each gift alone is precious.
The gift of Faith, including the gift to heal and/or be healed
The gift of Testimony
Knowledge, revelation, wisdom, the gift of teaching, ministry, the working of miracles, prophecy, visions, beholding of angels and ministering spirits, the gift of discernment, tongues, interpretation of tongues, translation--

These are in no way all of the gifts available to the obedient. We have been told that the gifts are infinite in number and endless in their manifestations.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I wondered if I would find time during this life time to just sit down and type a few words- life feels so busy, and I can only assume with the holidays fast approaching, the busy-ness will only increase- which means that the free time will decrease- but I wanted my sweet daughter (who is the most important reader) to know that I have continued my studies of the scriptures and good books through this busy time- and I am not bragging- I have continued because I have had to- first there was that stake leadership meeting that I had to prepare a 30 minute talk for- YIKES- and then the baptism that, purely by default, I had the privilege of speaking at. So what I am trying to say is this- there is such joy that comes from serving our Father in Heaven.
And in my world, I sometimes let the stress of fulfilling that responsibility overwhelm me and then I honestly over look the joy. I have tried to calm myself (which is no easy task) and truly look at the joys-
the JOY of learning (Like when I am forced to prepare talks)
the JOY in listening (this month I am turning off the radio in the car- and just listening. To Jayce. While he talks up a blue streak. And I am loving it. Mostly. But I am also leaving the radio off when I am alone and just listening. To the spirit. or to myself sing a hymn. or to myself talking to myself. Its surprisingly relaxing.
the JOY in being a daughter! I Love my mother. I tell her this often. Even when she doesn't know who I am. I know her and love her. (Funny story- when I call my mother and say HI this is Shelli- she goes into this "Shelli who? I don't know any Shelli's" I feel that I have to positively identify myself- birth certificate, Social Security #, Drivers License- Before she says- "OH SHELLI!" Funny Lady!
Only it doesn't always seem so funny- but still I love her. I love being a daughter!
And that brings me to this-
Being a Daughter of God!
There is such JOY in knowing that I am a daughter of GOD! He knows me, loves me- and he NEEDS me to be the best daughter that I can be!
When I read the words "Are you living up to your privilege?" I wonder to myself- Do I really understand what that privilege is- DO I completely understand what it is that I have the potential to become? I realize that I have a lot to learn- much to do- much to accomplish. And it can be overwhelming. It IS overwhelming! But it is also AMAZING!
So it may be obvious that I have received and have been reading "DAUGHTERS IN MY KINGDOM"
I hope you have your copy! I hope you read it and LOVE it! It is a sweet blessing!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thou Shalt Not

I love this talk- given in 1971 by Elder Sterling W Sill titled "THOU SHALT NOT"

1971 was a long time ago- but still these words touch me! I first read this talk when I was studying the Ten Commandments. I wanted to know how these commandments fit into my life- or even if they were relevant for today. My study was extensive- and I learned so much- and I can tell you that YES! these commandments are very relevant and very necessary for today.

In a nutshell- Elder Sill states this:
If you were contemplating starting a new business, one of the first steps to be taken would be to decide definitely on those things that should NOT be done under any circumstance. There are certain dishonest and improper practices that should be definitely and permanently ruled out of bounds- in advance. The same would be true in a marriage- there are dis-loyalties and infidelities that must never be entertained.


There was once a minister on a radio show who stated that he never spoke of the Ten Commandments- one reason being that they were dated. The other reason he mentions is that the language is too harsh. He suggests that maybe God would have better luck with his children if he did not command- but maybe if he used kinder language such as I suggest, or I recommend or I advise you to follow these commandments.
I, for one, disagree with Mr. Minister.

These 67 words can be read in 30 seconds or less- yet IF they were followed, they would quickly transform our earth into Gods paradise.

1)Thou shalt have no other gods before me
2)Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images
3)Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
4)Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
5)Honour thy father and thy mother
6)Thou shalt not kill
7)Thou shalt not commit adultery
8)thou shalt not steal
9)Thou shalt not bear false witness
10) Thou shalt not covet

These are the things that God has placed "out of bounds" and frequent visits with these words will help keep us on the path the He has paved for us!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mosiah 1:5

...."were it not for these things, which have been kept and preserved by the hand of God, that we might read and understand of his mysteries, and have his commandments always before our eyes, that even our fathers would have dwindled in unbelief".....

Isn't it incredible that we have these words to guide us?

I read a quote last week on facebook that I just cant get out of my head.

"What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things that you were grateful for today?"

This has me re-evaluating gratitude. If I woke up tomorrow with what I am grateful for today I would have the scriptures. I am grateful for many things in my life- as we all are- but to know that these words have been preserved by my Father- so that I can learn, so I can understand, so I can have the commandments before me always- that is pretty awesome!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hebrew 5:8-9

"Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey him."

My chosen word "atonement" has had me studying and learning and, yes, I admit- crying more often than normal. I cannot place into words the reasons that this word "atonement" sets me into tears- but, why not? Jesus Christ, my brother, did something for me that I could not do for myself. He suffered for me so that he could, in turn, advocate for me. He paid a price for me and my happiness that no person I know would be willing to pay. He LOVES me! It is amazing and beautiful and absolutely more than I can fully comprehend!
As I studied I became fascinated with the idea of OBEDIENCE. We have all heard the song "By strict obedience Jesus won."
And I actually took a little turn in my testimony- thinking that Christ was simply being obedient to His Father- and somehow that equaled atonement for me. Sometimes I am an idiot!
The laws were in place from the beginning- Sure Christ was aware of those laws and of the need for a redeemer- He absolutely knew that we were dependent upon his desire to be obedient.
He was not forced to apply himself, he was not in anyway forced to "do his fathers will."
He chose to be obedient.
And in turn, that application of pure obedience on his end led to a great deal of suffering- unimaginable for you and I- yet he stuck to it and finally when the battle was won he didn't jump up and down and shout "I DID ID!" He kindly and thoughtfully said "I did this for you, I hope you will accept this gift!"
I love this man! I will forever and ever feel grateful for the atonement!

Monday, October 3, 2011

D&C 76:40-42

"And this is the gospel, the glad tidings, of which the voice out of the heavens bore record unto us- That he came into the world, even Jesus, to be crucified for the world, and to bear the sins of the world, and to sanctify the world, and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness; That through him all might be saved...."
The week before conference I began my scripture study of the atonement. The General Women's Conference came and added to my thoughts on the atonement- and then the week flew by. I have struggled to find the time that I want to spend studying this. General Conference also added to my desire to truly understand the atonement.
This is a word that I will study for at least a few more weeks- there is so much to learn!
The word ATONE means to ransom, repair, to satisfy, to reconcile, redeem.

My poor brain. It must define everything- so I begin with ransom.
A ransom is the release of a person in return of payment. I have heard and sang those beautiful words- "That so fully He ransoms me" and I have always thought of this as a payment, a gift really, that Christ gave to me through the atoning sacrifice- but I had not yet placed myself in that as the person being ransomed, the person being released-

Christ freed me!
He released me of sin.

Of course there are steps that I must take to receive the full blessings of that ransom, but that is a small price to pay in comparison to the price that Christ paid for me.

As I study I read many articles that help me to understand the "word" that I am studying. The following I share with you from Elder Kikuchi:

"Imagine, in the center of the universe, our loving and kind Heavenly Father must have wiped His holy tears. Imagine the great gratitude of the Father for His Son’s willingness to give Himself for all of the Father’s children. The Father could have sent multitudes of the hosts of heaven to rescue His Son from that awful situation. But our Father must have closed His eyes in those final moments in order that you and I and other sons and daughters could have hope."
December 2009 New Era "Do We Know How Much He Went Through?"

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I looked it up in Mormon Doctrine- It says "Panic is a sign of the times."
I cant say any more today. It's time and I have to get it done!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Work and Recreation

Two words that work well together.
First of all- THANK YOU for your comments! Learning from you is so wonderful!
Now back to work and recreation- actually my mind has been on work all day- not because I love work, but because I have so much to do at home that I felt certain that Heavenly Father would prefer that I be home today cutting out the zillions of leaves that are needed for the upcoming Stake Relief Society dinner, or preparing the food for the same dinner- or maybe he would want me cleaning the house that barely feels lived in this week- because we are always running to something other than home.
I stuck it out at work- leaving just an hour earlier than I would have on a normal, less stressful day. I used this extra hour to pick up enough groceries for 21 batches of Greek pasta salad (which required stops at two grocery stores- why cant one store have EVERYTHING that I need??)-divided it into thirds and delivered it to two- keeping one third for myself, ran home to put my third into the fridge, picked up Jayce from school and skidded into the parking lot at Murray Park just as the game began.
I love my soccer girl! So watching a 2 hour game felt amazing- but in the back of mind there is this little thought. I have been grumbling all day about having to work when I have so much that I need to do at home- but when its soccer time, there is no place I would rather be. I wonder to myself if my Heavenly Father would approve of my work vs. recreation attitude. So I did some reading. Mormon Doctrine states that "recreation is an essential and vital part of the gospel- a gospel that makes provision for every need of man, both temporal and spiritual.
After a person has performed his assigned or appointed labors- both in making a living and in service on the Lord's errand- it is edifying, relaxing and proper to enjoy the diversion of wholesome recreation." That is good to hear!

Now about work. This was a very humbling study for me. I was reminded that work is not just a burden that Shelli carries each day- it is a great basic principle which makes all things possible both here and in heaven. I feel silly for complaining about the work I have to do when all around me there are men/women, spirits, angels that are engaged in the work of our Father in Heaven. I was reminded of our Savior who went about doing the work of his master saying "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." (John 5:17) Yep- I think I read that right- "MY FATHER WORKETH..." .
After all he has already done for me, he continues to work. I haven't heard Him complaining. I feel certain that He has reason to complain, but He just continues on so that much can be accomplished.
Like I said, I am humbled! We work because it is required for our progression. There is always work to be done. That will not change. And I bet He takes a break for a few hours here and there to catch a good soccer game!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


to "Love the Words I Love"
This is a very personal scripture journal.
The purpose of my writing it is to share with the family that I love these words that I have come to cherish.

I have a life- a busy life! And I have attained this amazing gift of "The Wandering Mind." Maybe you've heard of it. I open a book and suddenly my mind has wandered to mundane silly matters, like how much more laundry I have to do, or the lawn that I should be mowing, maybe the craft I wish I could begin- or finish. The worries and concerns of my everyday life just wont let my brain focus on what I am reading.
I haven't found a cure for the brain problem- but I have found a way to make these words mean something significant to me. It took time, it took patience. There was some motivation involved as well.
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I haven't always felt that I BELONG. There was a time when I really questioned my belief system. That was one of the most difficult times for me but I can honestly tell you that I am grateful for that time in my life. I call it "the trial".
Its one of those things that everyone has but nobody wants!
So today's scripture journal entry: TRIALS
I, for one, do NOT love the trials of life. But I can appreciate what can be gained from those trials. Mormon Doctrine states that "we have been placed on this earth in a mortal body for the express purpose of undergoing trails, including hardship, suffering and temptation. This is particularly true of the saints."
I remember the first time that I read these words, and I was curious as to WHY such trials would be true of the saints. The obvious reason is that we know WHY we are here! We KNOW what we must accomplish! We have made promises to a Father who loves us, and we have no doubt that he will fulfill his end of those promises-so we must work to fulfill ours.
And then finally there is this beautiful scripture. D&C 136:31
"My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them...."
That sheds a whole new light on my trials- I am being prepared to receive the glory that my Savior has prepared for me!