Friday, February 22, 2013

Doctrine and Covenants 25

 I love this section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Joseph has received a revelation for his wife, Emma.
I read it often- because it reminds me of who I can become.

"Be faithful and walk in the paths of virtue"
President Hinckley once said that the Lord was referring to our being "faithful to ourselves, to the very best that is within us! No woman can afford to demean or belittle herself, or to downgrade her abilities or capabilities." 
GULP! It's as if he knows I am guilty of this!
"Be faithful to the great, divine attributes that are within you!"

"and thou shall receive the Holy Ghost"
 What a beautiful gift- to comfort us, prompt us, teach us, testify to us. With the help of the Holy Ghost, I believe that we can be successful at all that is expected of us.

"And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things if this world and seek for the things of a better"
To paraphrase Pres. Hinckley- It is not by accident that we are here- right now- at this time- in our own particular circumstances. Each of us has been uniquely positioned to participate in specific, significant ways in building the Lords kingdom.
I also LOVE this from Elder Holland-  
"Asking every member to be a missionary is not nearly as crucial as asking every member to be a member!" 

 This is why I love this section of D&C. It reminds me to be a member! - to have faith in my ability to be the best I can be, to realize the divine attributes that can be mine, to seek to have the consistent guidance of the Holy Ghost, to lay aside the things if this world and strive for better.

Amazing- right?