Friday, February 10, 2012

Becoming humble-

This may seem like a strange post- but, the truth is that sometimes life is strange. Its been a few very busy months since I wrote- and I have plenty of excuses, trust me! But the real truth of the matter is this. I just wanted to read my Book of Mormon! It was weird- I love choosing a topic and studying it, but I was really having a bad day one day- and when I went to bed I just didn't want to study- plain and simple- it didn't sound fun, AT ALL. So I just picked up my scriptures and started to read. And I couldn't stop! Normally I cant do this because my brain wants to timeline everything and I get really caught up in the history of it all and I tend to miss the spiritual teachings- so studying a topic works best for me- I thought--
and then this bad day hit and I picked up the scripture and read- I don't know when the lightning struck me- but somewhere in ALMA- and after the lightning came the peace and the stillness and the knowledge that all will be well in my world.
When i think back on the day- I cant recall what it was that had turned the day bad- but I absolutely know what set it right!
so with out further explanation from me---
The scriptures teach us that "becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love,and all long suffering." Alma 13:28 are essential- especially if we would like to qualify for celestial blessings.

In learning of humility I found that "humility is REQUIRED of all engaged in gospel service- it is an essential attribute for all that serve the Lord."
Meekness and patience run right along side of humility-
We might think of a meek person as one who is weak- but the truth is that our Savior was meek and lowly, yet he forcefully and dynamically drove the money changers from the temple. Being meek does not mean we are weak, rather that we are willing to do the will of our Father. We are not fearful, timid and spiritless. Not us!

In latter day scripture, D&C 67:13 we are told that we must ......."continue in patience until ye are perfected." I know that I was sent here to suffer, overcome, be tested, tried- all of that good stuff, and, even better is that there will be rewards for enduring without complaint- and even through enduring will come humility and meekness- those traits that I long for.

Its beautiful how these traits (or virtues) work together, building upon one another to form us into the Saints that we need to be.

It's not surprising that being "full of love" would make us more charitable, more willing to serve, more reverent, tender and kind, compassionate.
And to be long-suffering would closely mimic patience in all things.
Now for the hard part- applying this to my life today!