Sunday, April 1, 2012

2 Nephi 26:32

"And again the Lord commanded man........................ That they should not envy......"

Oh, there is much more to this scripture that I should not do- But I recently found myself in need of this commandment- "They should not envy."

I was sitting in Cafe Rio in St. George at lunch time- carefully guarding a table for my little family. The previous night had been one of those sleepless nights that I often have, so I was tired. My family had been enjoying the warm sunshine and the beautiful scenery filled with two days of long hikes. I also knew that my sweet sisters would be meeting today for lunch in Salt Lake to plan a very important event. I had been invited, but was out of town and couldn't attend.
So as I looked around, I began to envy the three year old little girl who was still dressed in her purple footie pajamas. I doubt that one person looked at this beautiful little girl and thought "Why is she still in her pajamas?" She was smiling and happy and completely enjoying her food and family. Envy came creeping in- and I thought- I wish I were in my purple footie pajamas (and yes, I do have a pair)- my hair a mess and a huge smile on my face- I envy this little girl.
My envy was disrupted by loud laughter- and I looked at another table where three older women sat- all laughing. It was obvious from their matching white hair and their lipsticked smiles that they were sisters. I envy you three cute women, I am missing my sisters.
That's when my own eight year old nearly knocked me off my chair- he had been talking and I obviously was not listening.
But this little moment of envy threw me off a bit. I am not usually one to want what others have. I have always thought it a sweet blessing that my nature is to be very content with where I am- with what I have. I felt even more concerned for my soul when I found little to no direction on the subject of envy- does this mean I am hopeless? Helpless?
Coveting seems a bit dramatic of an explanation and I don't feel that the description of coveting really applies here- " to have an eager, extreme or ungodly desire for something."

In fact, the desire to be comfortable, surrounded by the people that I love and admire- it doesn't seem such a bad thing to wish for. And when i finally snapped out it, I realized that is exactly what I had at my little table at Cafe Rio- My cute family, whom I love and admire!

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